Muslim Women Support Centre

We can help provide practical support with:​​

Health and wellbeing
General Welfare Services
Information and referrals linking Muslim women with appropriate service providers
Family and relationships
Halal food boxes through the assistance of The Halal Food Bank
Financial Assistance through the National Zakat Foundation and other service providers
Islamic Family Mediation, Counselling and Advice

Muslim Family Mediation, Conciliation & Arbitration Tribunal

Muslim Family Mediation, Conciliation, and Arbitration Tribunal has a special religious position in our Islamic community because it aims to give disputing Muslim parties a choice to resolve their conflicts and achieve a just outcome under Shariah rules.

Sheikh Hisham Obeid trained in Shariah law and a registered marriage celebrant with Sheikh Yusuf Parker trained in Shariah and a Common law lawyer, with Hafiz Wahid Siddiqi and Imam Saeed Ismail hear Muslim family matters involving spouse mediation, conciliation, Muslim divorce matters of the Muslim community.

The Sheikhs and Imams are respected leaders of Perth’s Muslim community, and our Common law-trained Muslim lawyers are available to support and assist this Shariah-based dispute resolution system. Quranic and Sunnah principles are applied in all Muslim marriages, divorces, or distribution of property determinations and most importantly tribunal proceedings are confidential and impartial.

The mediation tribunal sits at the following:-

Islamic Council of Western Australia
Al Hidayah Islamic Centre
Clarkson Musallah & Islamic Centre
Islamic Centre of Western Australia Inc.

As an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanism recognised in the Australian justice system, this mediation tribunal readily complements the Australian Family Court.

These meditation tribunals can assist the Family Court wherever the need arises when the Court seeks out Muslim mediation resettlement or resolution to resolve the matter in the interests of both parties.

For low-income families and devote Muslims, this traditional tribunal is a better alternative to the expensive and emotionally charged Western litigation process. Unfortunately, all West Australians feel the pain of our very expensive litigation system.

In November 1997 Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) published a review of the adversarial system of litigation that recommended a re-think of the family law proceedings. ALRC gave strong support for the establishment of an Alternative Dispute Resolution system for all family dispute proceedings. Issue Paper No.22.

Australian Law Reform Commission (1997) ADR- Family Law

One of the great aspects of this tribunal is that it revives traditional Muslim practices of meditation and conciliation that were practiced for centuries by Muslim communities in developing Muslim jurisprudence.

For additional information in filing an application for Muslim family mediation, please contact the following tribunal administrators

Imam Hisham Obeid

Imam and Registered Marriage Celebrant

Sheikh Faizel Gaffoor

President of Jamat ul Ulama

Sheikh Saleh Ibrahim

Imam of The Islamic Centre of West Australia

Sheikh Yusuf Parker

Imam of Alhidayah Centre

two person's arms
two person's arms