“Halal” is an Arabic word that means lawful or permitted.

Halal foods are foods that are permitted and encouraged by the Muslim scripture – the Qur’an. Two aspects that typically affect whether or not a food is a halal include:

● Foods that have been processed, created, or stored using equipment that has been cleansed under Islamic law.
● Foods that do not contain any “haram” components – haram is an Arabic term that means unlawful and unpermitted.

In general, all foods are considered to be halal unless specifically stated to be haram. Some examples of haram foods and products include:

● Alcoholic drinks
● Gelatine (excluding fish gelatin)
● Lard
● Non-halal animal fats
● Pork products (bacon, ham, etc)
● Enzymes

Under Islamic law, eating is as much a method of worship as prayer; that is why it is so important for Muslims to consume and use halal foods and products.

Halal Slaughter Regulations
Islamic law places a high value on the life that has been blessed and granted by God. In order for a food to qualify as halal, the end of the animal’s life must be taken only in the name of God. The term “bismillah” – meaning “in the name of God” – must be spoken aloud before the slaughter of any animal.

Animals must be treated well prior to slaughter, and must never be in an uncomfortable position. The animal is to be killed quickly and with mercy. Meat that is taken from an animal that was not slaughtered in the name of God is haram, and shall not be consumed by Muslims.

grilled meat and vegetable on the table
grilled meat and vegetable on the table